Sunday, January 6, 2013

Feng Jia Field Trip to Strawberries & Beyond

Friday we went on a field trip to the strawberry fields. Originally we thought it was going to be just a few hours going to the strawberry farm having lunch and coming back. boy were we wrong we arrived at Feng Jia at about 7:20 and got on the bus 10min later. once on the bus we recieved a packet with the schedule and a brief description of the places we would visit. There was much more than just a strawberry farm.
The Bus
Inside the bus

Page 1 of the packet
Page 2 of the packet
The Strawberry farm was about a 45 min drive from the school and was located in Miao Li. Most of it was just beautiful. Below are just a few of the shots we took on the way.

 When we got close to the strawberry farm on of the school assistants told us that it was free to enter the fields but that anything you picked you had to pay for. She also told us that you are not allowed to eat any of them until you buy them so if you want to eat while you are picking the strawberry don't get caught. After looking at the field and the ones that were for sale we decided to go into the field but to buy the pre-picked strawberries.

Store at strawberry farm tons of different strawberry items.

Strawberry Wine 10% alcoholicity according to the label

In the fields

 After an hour at the strawberry farms and trying several different things including strawberry ice cream we got on the bus and headed to the strawberry winery. There were lots of neat little shops there and lots of samples.

 Next we got on the bus and traveled another 30min or so to the Shengsing train station. from what i understood it was one of the first train stations in Taiwan. Trains no longer run through it but it is a tourist site with lots of little shops now.   Once there we had lunch at a restaurant that the school had arranged for us. To my dismay it was traditional Taiwanese food. And yes I did eat it there is photographic evidence below...

Me eating...umm... well I don't really know what it was...
Hannah Drinking Black Chicken soup broth 

The first Train tunnel
 After lunch we visited the stores around the site including a store called happy cat, which as you will see in the pictures had entirely things with a cat theme.

BatCat, SuperCat and SpiderCat

Sooooo many cats!!!!
 Here are some more pictures around the train station...

 After the Train station we got back on the bus and we thought we were headed home for the day but we were wrong we still had another stop. They took us to a wood carving museum. Some of the pieces were interesting. Most were very strange and some just plain weird. We were pretty amazed at the detail of some though and could only imagine the amount of time effort and skill it would have taken to create them. We would have loved to have taken some photos but the museum had a strict no photos policy so we couldn't. Also we might have enjoyed the museum more if we were not so exhausted.

The bus ride back was another 45 min or so but felt so much longer since for some reason they had the A/C turned on even though it was probably 50 out side. By the time we arrived back at school we were both shaking and had horrible migraines. To top it off our scooter acted up on us when we first tried to go home. But after a few panic stricken moments it started working fine again. We finally made it home about 7 pm. We tried to get ready for the meeting but after a few min it was clear we were not going to make it. We were both asleep by 7:30. I slept until 8:00 am the next day and Hannah slept until 10am. I made it out in field service but Hannah was still feeling really bad.

Field service was very nice. We worked pretty close to the Kingdom Hall, Tim helped shorten the bible study presentation for me so I was able to work with the magazines and got 3 new calls. I worked with Raymond (his English name) our new Secretary. Here is my presentation "ni zhidao shangdi de mingzi?"  (most of them said either buzhidao or shangdi) then I said "hen duo ren buzhidao" and then turned to Psalms 83:18 and had them read the scripture. Then I said "Shangdi de mingzi shi Yehehua" and gave them the magazines and said "qing ni kankan". After which Raymond talked to them some more and included that I was an american and was just learning.

In English that was "Do you know God's name? .... many people don't know... Psalms 83:18.... God's name is Jehovah... please carefully read"

It was one of the best days in field service I have had and it felt really good to get to speak so much Chinese (even if it really wasn't that much). It was still a huge jump from my "hello I have good news for you please read".

Oh, cool stats from the pioneer meeting with the CO, our congregation has 30 regular pioneers 4 Special pioneers and we had 5 auxiliary pioneers this month so there were over 40 at the pioneer meeting. Our congregation here has 86 publishers.

Well that is about all I have for now oh and Hannah is feeling better now just FYI.    
Until next time Love Phil & Hannah

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