Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Study with a Surprise...

Hello all this is Hannah,

Well once again I went on a Bible study and it ended up being nothing like what I had expected. The same Bible student (Rena) that asked me to study with the two little girls told me they wanted another Bible study. But she asked if I could study with another little girl too. She explained we would pick up the two little girls, and then drive to the other girl's school to have the study. (This time I arranged to take another baptized sister with me, who speaks fluent English.)
When we arrived at the school, it became obvious that there was some miss-communication. There were 6 other children waiting at a table for us to arrive. When I walked into the room I was introduced as their Laoshi. (Teacher) I was terrified! First off this was a cram school. Cram schools are everywhere in Taiwan. They are called buxiban (補習班 "tutorial class") and are not necessarily cram schools in the traditional sense. They don't always focus on one subject, it can cover all school subjects, designed to improve their skills as students. Most all children go to a cram school every day after their normal school.

Rena, that asked me to come, is good friends with the owner of this cram school. She had apparently arranged for me to conduct a Bible study with all the children. Not just one other little girl. Also since last time I had studied lesson 2 in the Good News from God brochure, she had made copies of the scriptures for the children in lesson 3. Lesson 3 is entitled, "Is the Good News Really from God?" A very good lesson, but not what I would pick for the first Bible study with a bunch of 12 year olds. We studied almost the entire lesson, and they did really well! They seemed to really enjoy the study. They really loved when we read two lessons out of the Bible story book. They enthusiastically answered questions about the story, and all participated. They all want their own book now!

One thing that added to my stress was the director of the school being within ear shot during the entire study. But when we finished she came up to me and was very appreciative and asked when I could come back! At first I was very hesitant to say when I could return, since I wasn't entirely sure that it was appropriate for me to conduct a study with 8 children at a cram school. I really wanted to check with the Elders and see if it was ok before I agreed to another study. But the children asked again when I was coming back, and since I told them I would bring them their own Bible Story Book, I said I could come back on Monday. If the brothers don't think it’s appropriate to have the study this way, I will just go back to give them their books and offer individual studies.

I'm nervous, I’m not even good with children when I can communicate clearly, and this study is all in Chinese! But after remembering all the neat tools they have on, I'm excited to go! I plan to show them the first video with Caleb, and print off some of the bible lessons they can color in with questions. If not for our wonderful society I would not know where to begin with 8 children. I'm interested to see what happens, and of course what the brothers instruct me to do. 

Love you all, and will keep you posted.

Tomorrow we are going to get to visit Bethel so we should have some nice pictures to post about that soon :)

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