Saturday, February 2, 2013

Bethel and a day trip to Taipei

Thursday we got to go to Bethel with some sisters from our hall and 2 of their Bible studies.We started the day early meeting Sioux at 7:40 am at McDonald's, and then went to the train station. It took about 2 hours  to get there by train and taking a taxi. 
The Train Station

At the train station by the tracks

Phil, Souix, her 2 studies and Rebecca 
Entrance to Taiwan's Branch Office

Our guide told us that when they were building the branch a man came by and asked what was going on because of all of the foreigners who had come to help build it. They explained to him that they were all volunteers building the branch. He was very impressed, and gave them his business card. He told them that when it was finished to call him. So two years later when the branch was finished they called him and he gave them the furniture seen below at a very very discounted rate. That was in 1991. So the guide said that it was very special furniture.  

This is the main auditorium it has seating for 150 people. There is a congregation that meets here and they also have the Bethel's Family Worship here, the Bethel Family at this Branch is only 35 people.

This is the Dining Room, most of the time they don't need the space but they have  the graduations for Bible School for Single Brothers here. During the special occasions it is full.
 All of the Paintings in the dining room were painted by a brother who is paralyzed from the neck down. He paints only using his mouth to hold the brush. They were so beautiful and detailed, it was so amazing to see. The guide told us that despite his disability he also serves as an elder in his congregation. Truly an inspiration to all of us to give Jehovah all that we can no matter what our circumstances.

The Kitchen
The Kitchen
The Grounds of Bethel. They are taken care of by only one brother. There is a lot more land than building since they thought the Hong Kong branch might need to merge with the Taiwan branch when control of Hong Kong went back to China in 1997 but that hasn't been necessary.    
Our guide told us that these were their many big Nemo's :)
When they built the branch they tried to save as many of the trees as they could .  This is one that is over a hundred years old as it grows the tree sends roots down to the ground to stabilize it. If we understood correctly brother Samsel actually used to take care of it.
Guest rooms
Guest rooms
Towel Closet, The Guide said he doesn't know how to make the different shapes  only how to mess them up. But his wife works as a house keeper there and she knows how. He said she was his Cinderella. 

These were some paintings donated by a sister. She was famous for her paintings with big eyes that were sad. But after she got the Truth her paintings changed from big sad eyes to big happy eyes.

The work shop where they repair things. No one was there though the guide said it must be time for a coffee break. 

The laundry room
The laundry room
The laundry room
The Lounge area
The Lounge area
Picture of the International convention in 1992 the attendance was 6000 ,  at that time only 2000 of which were from Taiwan  this year they are having the district convention at the same location and they will fill it with publishers only from Taiwan.
The Pool / Emergency Fire water supply
The  Progression of the branch office in Taiwan.
The Warehouse
Map of the Circuits in Taiwan. The red areas are unassigned territory.
This is a small printing press that they use to print in the tribal languages for the area . Jehovah is a wonderful God who wants all to be able to learn about him in their own language.

40% of the publishers in Taiwan are Pioneers

The Taiwan branch handles all of the recordings in Chinese and in Taiwanese Sign Language. 

After the Tour ended we got to eat lunch with the Bethel family it was really nice very different food than I am used too but it was still pretty good and a great privilege. The brothers were so kind we sat at the table with the brother taking the lead that day and at the end of lunch he made an announcement about us, and sending their love to our congregation back in the states. After we finished eating the Brother who gave us the tour (who was formally the CO for our circuit and thus knew Souix) invited us back to their room. It was very nice we enjoyed some cookies and nice conversation. About 1:30 the brothers called our taxi,  and we headed to the train station again, this time headed for Taipei.
Rebecca being umm well Rebecca

The Train ride to Taipei was a little over an hour. During which we all fell asleep :). Upon arriving we then got on to the metro which is a local train kinda like a subway but only part of it is underground most of it has a great view.

Entering Taipei from the Train

On Board the Metro

The Metro is fairly new and they really want to keep it nice. That said there is no eating drinking or smoking allowed on the metro, if they catch you there is a $7500 NT fine (approx $268 USD) even chewing gum is not allowed all though the fine for that is only a few hundred NT  or approx $15 USD.

Here are a few shots of Taipei from the metro :

Once We arrived at the area we were headed to our first stop was of course Starbucks :)  
A Five floor Starbucks, can you imagine anything more beautiful? :)

Check out this dog he has shoes and sunglasses :)

Hannah and I in the market we did a little shopping here

We took the ferry across the bay

oyster "pancakes" actually more like an omelette

Hannah had one I tried a bite but I thought it was pretty gross

 Beached boats in the bay

We saw this on the menu at a shop we walked past and had to take a picture of it. "pork brain soup". And big surprise, no we didn't try it :)

Strawberry's dipped in a hard candy glaze, it was really good until we got to the end and instead of a strawberry it was a tomato... WEIRD! 

 After some more looking around we got on the metro and took it to the bus station. Riding the bus is cheaper than the train and both are a lot cheaper than the high speed rail. however they are much slower. It was about 2:30AM when we finally got home. a very long but fun day.

Well that was our trip.  Until next time.
Love Phil & Hannah



  1. What a wonderful trip to Bethel and the city there! Thanks for sharing your experiences and your photos! Please give your love to the brothers!

    Bill & Nancy Gross

  2. Good day Brother! Can I ask how to go to Bethel from Taipei? Thanks!
