Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Field Service and English Assembly

(Hannah's Study with Children)
Last week I had my second study at the cram school with the kids. I was really nervous since I couldn't find another sister to go with me. But Rena went with me and helped me translate. This time I was prepared to study with several children. Jw.org has the most beautiful tools for studying with kids. I downloaded the first video for kids and played it for them on my tablet. They loved it! They were completely absorbed in it, gasping and giggling along with it the whole time. After we read a couple lessons from the Bible story book i gave them the picture activity, also from jw.org, so they colored and talked about the Bible story. It was so much fun! After the study several of them individually came up and told me "謝謝 老師!" "Thank you teacher!" It was a neat experience. :)

Back to Phil
On Friday (Feb 15th) Before Hannah's talk she went with several sisters to get a massage. This was nice for her since she has had a lot of pain in her back lately. I decided to be brave and go and work in our personal territory. I worked all the way around a block the territories here are a complete mix of residential and business. With Jehovah's help I was able to do it, it was exactly what I needed too to place my self in Jehovah's hands and see how he would help me. Although many of them were busy or not interested most were very nice. Several of the buildings only had intercoms (my worst nightmare since it is hard to understand them and it is hard for them to understand me). So I said a prayer to Jehovah and rang the buzzer.  The first building had 6 buzzers (not to bad). then the next 3 buildings had 12. Then I came to a building with 30 buzzers! One by one I buzzed them all. Most were nice and a few took literature  It took me about 2 hours to work the entire block, during which time I probably took about 100 doors. Apartments back in the States don't seem to bad to me now :) Jehovah always gives us what we need and only what we can take.

Friday Feb 22nd we got to attend the annual circuit Pioneer meeting (In English). It was so nice to see all of the English pioneers. Since Taiwan English is relatively small the meeting covered the entire island. There were  120 there are only 7 English congregations in Taiwan. Not all in attendance were part of the English congregations here, several were like us foreigners who need to get the information in our mother tongue to understand.

The theme was 2 Tim 4:5 "Keep your senses in all things". The program helped us to evaluate our situations and make sure that we are keeping our priorities in the proper place. It also had good reminders about Family worship, and Daily Bible reading and study with some nice suggestions if you have not yet formed a yearning for it. When talking about Family worship the brother made a joke that this was not to be confused with ancestor worship, which is very common here. One point that I really appreciated was part that was tailored to those in foreign language, Since English is a Foreign language here. The point was simply this "Don't be so quick to assume that Jehovah doesn't want you in this field just because things don't seem to be working out right now." I felt that was really good advice because I have felt that lots of times in with Chinese that "I just cant do this and I would be more useful somewhere else". But after the meeting we left refreshed and with an even stronger zeal to keep doing what we are doing.
The Beitun Kingdom Hall where the pioneer meeting was held (kingdom hall is in the basement of the building)
On Saturday we went to the first day of the English "Safeguard Your Mind Circuit Assembly". We enjoyed the information and the encouragement both from the program and the association. There were some sisters there who had to work from 4pm to 7am the night before, after the assembly they had to go and work the same shift with plans to attend Sunday as well. Another sister that sat next to us on Sunday had been awake for 36 hours. It was so encouraging to see such wonderful examples. There was an average attendance of 485. There were 10 baptized, 1 brother and 9 sisters. Here are some pictures from the assembly.

There was a small Thai group also in attendance. Jehovah makes sure everyone is take care of.
We loved the assembly, it was just the spiritual treat that we needed.

We will blog again soon. Love Phil and Hannah

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