Today was our 3rd day of classes and my first day in the elective
class I will actually be in. The Teacher is He Fenfen (yes the scary teacher
Hannah had) she is a good teacher just um well I think the nice word is
INTENSE. The fact that I am in the level one class helps too, I'm with many students
that don't speak at all. She handed out packets with 4 pages with sample
sentences that we went over. The first page was introducing yourself and saying
you are a student at FengJia, you like to drink coffee or you don't like this
or that. Once we had gone over the sheet she had each student get up in
front of the class and introduce themselves and say a few things about
themselves. She kept telling them say more, say more! After a few prayers and a
lot of nervous thinking I knew that I wanted to give at least a small
witness. So I realized with my little Chinese I knew how to say "Wo shi
Yehehua jianzheng ren. Wo shi shengjing laoshi." that is: I am one of
Jehovah's Witnesses. I am a bible teacher. After I said a few things and my 2
sentences of a witness the teacher translated for the class "Bible teacher".
I was really happy that I understood most of the class and was
even able to help another brother in my class who was having a hard time. After
class I met a nice couple who attend the XiTun congregation. I was able to
piece together a few simple things to say, and then I headed to the
book store on campus to meet Hannah.
After class, I got a message from Brian who said that the starter was
the problem with the scooter and that it could be fixed by 5 and it would be
pretty cheap. We were really happy, then we headed to the store and then home
for a nap. about 6 we went to get the scooter when we arrived the mechanic said
that it was ready but that it had ran out of oil and blown a gasket. We were
shocked and asked how we were supposed to know when to put oil in. He said when
the light comes on, we said the light never came on, to which he said its
old probably broken. I asked if it would still work he said yeah just
will be loud and if you have problems then you need to take a break.
So we started it up and it sounds AWFUL! But it is running. We
head home pick up the scooter we had borrowed from Brian and Sioux and went to
return it. As I drove, at every stop light the engine died but it started right
up when I needed to go, so I was thinking ok we can live with this it is loud
and stops at lights but it runs. After arriving at Brian and Sioux's we went
into a store next to their apartment to get a few things we needed. The stress
was really starting to get to Hannah; she said a prayer to Jehovah asking him
for help to get through it. She turned around and what did she see Orange Milanos cookies (for those of you who don't know this is Hannah's FAVORITE comfort food that
she has had a really hard time finding back home). Jehovah answers prayers in
ways we don't always expect :). When Brian and Sioux came down we told them
what was happening and returned their key. Brian called mechanic who basically
told him "well they ran it out of oil it’s going to have
We said our thanks and good byes and got on our scooter to head
home. But while crossing an intersection less than a block away it died in the
middle of the street and wouldn't start. Hannah had to jump off and I had to walk it across the street. After waiting
a few minutes we tried it again... nothing. So we called Brian again and
he kindly offered for us to borrow their scooter again.
Although things can be stressful Jehovah takes such good care of
his people. In no other organization could you even dream of the
generosity, hospitality, kindness and love that is shown among God's
people. We constantly thank Jehovah for our friends. Well that is all for
today. Hopefully tomorrow will be less eventful :)
Love Phil and Hannah
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