Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Quiz results more witnessing and a trip to Costco

Today we went to class, we got the quiz results back I got a 86 Hannah got a 96. As I expected I messed up the most on the listening and writing portion. Next we went to our electives which were different since the change in our schedule. The class experience for me was essentially the same just with different class mates and there are 4 other witnesses in my class. Hannah has a different teacher and she now has 3 other witnesses in her class as opposed to being the only one.

It was neat one of the guys that we met at orientation is in my class. He commented today to me that he thought it was cool how the witnesses are. He said as soon as we meet each other its like we found an old friend. Hannah also got to witness today too, here is Hannah to explain.

It was really neat. After I sat down a sister I had just briefly met before, came in and sat with me. She pointed out two other witnesses in our class I had not met before. They are both brothers from Japan. Our teacher is a little scary, very similar to Hefenfen, but nicer. :) She wanted us to introduce ourselves to each other in Chinese but didnt want us to use basic vocabulary that we would have learned in level one. I was paired with a young guy from Okinawa Japan. He was very shy, so I started with asking him why he was learning Chinese. He explained that in his hometown there are many Chinese and Taiwanese people, and we wanted to be able to communicate in a business setting. He then asked me why I came to taiwan and was learning. I explained that I was one of Jehovah's Witnesses and in my city in America there are many Chinese that want to learn the Bible. He asked why I didnt got to China, and I got to explain in my broken Chinese, China's hostility toward Christianity. I told him how we meet many Chinese people that come to America to work that want to study the Bible, and I want to help them learn in their own language. After a little bit the teacher asked each one of us to relay what our partner had said. The very first person she asked had been paired with one of the brothers, and he told the class he had talked about his religion. Our teacher immediately turned to the brother and asked in Chinese, are you a witness? When the other sister and I smiled she turned to us as well and we told her we were also witnesses. The teacher then proceeded to explain to our class how Witnesses preach and teach people about their God. She is very familiar with Jehovah's people and seems very comfortable with us. All of our partners gave a witness for us to the class. It was really neat! It was a blessing to get switched into this class.
In one of our practice sentences she gave us, we were suppose to use the structure: (object) is both (adj) and (adj). The only thing that came to mind was,"My husband is both handsome and intelligent." So I said it to the class when it was my turn. The teacher laughed and loved it. But she was shocked that I was already married. After class she asked me if I was really married and then asked me how old I am. She about fell over when I said we were married when I was 19. She could only say. "You are so brave!" I laughed and told her," Wo de Zhangfu shi wo de zui hao peng you." (My husband is my best friend). She replied,"Well, yeah, my husband is MY best friend too. But I didnt get married until I was 27!" Phil walked in right then so I introduced him. She giggled at us and said,"There is your husband, both handsome and intelligent." She was tickled. I love that I have a teacher with a sense of humor!

I think I am going to like this class. :)    Now back to Phil.

After getting home we realized we needed to get food so we headed to Costco. A note however when your only form of transportation is a small scooter and there are two of you that need to be on it, it is a good idea to shop light. We stocked up on food and since Costco doesn't have bags and everything is huge we had to get creative with the packing. We stuffed both of our backpacks, I had to wear mine in front of me so Hannah could get on the bike, the front basket was full as was the storage under the seat, Hannah was holding on to both a big thing of Mr. Clean and a package of meat  while I had a large box of Frozen waffles in the space for my feet on the scooter. After a few blocks it started raining :P fortunately Costco is only about 7 min from the house.
Our Partially loaded scooter after a Costco visit.

Once Home I changed and met Brother Gao downstairs for service we worked in his territory some parts that were more spread out and more difficult to work with a larger group. It was rainy and cold but still a very enjoyable experience. We got to talk to quite a few people sharing the good news and inviting them to our meetings.

Once home it was time for Homework Character practice :)

Oh and this wasn't from Costco but another store that we get food from we thought these were funny but after taking pictures an employee came up and told us no cameras. I guess maybe they don't want any evidence :)
Chicken part Area
Chicken Cube

That's it for today.
Love Phil and Hannah

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