Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Day Number 2

Here we are day number 2, and it turned out to be a very busy day. While it started off slow with us both waking up about 5:30am totally awake (weird effect of travel). And being very hungry we try to prepare some egos in the toaster oven. After several minutes we can’t figure out why it isn’t working. The timer was going but no heat and we didn’t want to wake anyone up. Finally we realized it was not plugged in :P.

About 10:30 we took our first adventure out in to the world on our own. We needed to buy sim cards for our phones so we could make local calls. Tim drew us a map of how to get to the phone store a few blocks away. So we got our keys and headed off. Got in the elevator, pressed the floor button, the doors close... and nothing happens. We try again... nothing. So we think oh there is a little security key fob that must be what it needs we try it all over and can’t get anything to work. After a few minutes we are ready to go ask for help, but we decide it would be extremely pathetic if we went and asked for help to work the elevator. Finally we found the right spot to make the elevator work. Down we go, then we get to a door that clearly says PULL so we pull but nothing happens. We both look at each other and just feel completely defeated as a man says something in Chinese to us and points to and then presses a button on the wall which unlocks the door. We have decided that nothing makes you question your intelligence more than being in a foreign country. (It could just be us though)

So after making our way out of the building we stopped in a 7-11 and got a coke hoping the caffeine would wake our brains up. A little different than the ones at home though. Check out the food below. Then we followed our map to the phone store, after going to the wrong building a nice man pointed across the street to the correct location, and said, "K, bye bye!" (Everyone is adaorable here!) The girl was very nice but didn’t speak any English and it was pretty difficult to explain what we needed but after a while we got it. 2 sim cards for 1000nt or about $34.45 USD. With our phones now working we head back to meet up with Tim and Jamie. We decide to take a slightly different route back to the apartment and got a little confused, and apparently we looked it. A lady on a scooter pulled over and asked us where we were trying to get to, then gave us directions and followed us to make sure we got there. People here are super nice and helpful!
Food at 7-11
Food at 7-11

Once home we skyped with family. Then headed out with Jamie to get Hannah a helmet. Along the way we met a very nice dog who followed us all the way from just outside our building to the helmet shop. Dogs seem to follow Hannah where ever we are. She loves it of course. :) Then Tim and Jamie took it back on the scooter to where we first found it and we waited while they went and got the other bike. Once they got back we hopped on with them and they took us to an area where they have built new roads but they are not open yet because there are no buildings yet. A great place to practice. After a while of practicing we headed out to the real streets. My first time driving in traffic in Taiwan. Very scary but not as bad as I was expecting. We then went by the kingdom hall to get the information about where to meet for service. Here instead of making groups at the hall or someone’s house they post the area on the board with each day and time and that is where the group meets all by scooter of course.

The Dog that followed us to the helmet shop

Hannah with our helmets

Where we Practiced driving

After that we headed to the ATM to get some cash, since most places here do not take a card. Then to a store near the apartment so we will know where to go to get groceries. After that it was back home for dinner and then a trip to Costco. We bought lots of snacks and breakfast foods, and 2 super nice down feather pillows. It was great until we remembered our scooter transportation. With some creativity with the help of Tim and Jamie we were able to make it back with everything intact.
Where and When to meet for field service.

Well that was about it for today. Tomorrow will be similar with a lot to do. We are going out in service for the first time and we are going to get to see where our university is. Wednesday Tim and Jamie will be leaving for 2 weeks so we have to get all of the info on how to survive in a pretty short period of time :) Everything will be fine though we have really felt Jehovah's loving support through this entire trip. Everyone here takes such good care of us.

Christian love from Taiwan

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